Sign up.
By enrolling in Optimized EV Charging, you can get ongoing savings with your qualified Level 2 Smart charger or EV.
Get up to $85 in your first 12 months
You’ll be rewarded a $25 one-time enrollment incentive plus an ongoing $5 monthly participation incentive for helping us manage the grid impact of EV charging.
Stay in control.
You can change your charging schedule at any time from your charger’s app, EV mobile app, or the ChargingRewards app.
Join Optimized EV Charging with your:

About LG&E and KU’s Optimized EV Charging program
Through the Optimized EV Charging program, we’re offering incentives to electric vehicle (EV) drivers to help minimize the grid impact of EV charging. You’ll receive $25 for enrolling your qualifying Level 2 smart charger or EV and allowing us to optimize the schedule of your EV’s charging each day to help manage the load on the electric grid.
During enrollment, you’ll tell us when you want your EV to be charged and ready to go each day and we’ll do the rest. If your plans change and you need your EV to charge right away, you can override the optimized schedule at any time. In addition to the daily optimization of your charging schedule, LG&E and KU may adjust your charging during up to 10 demand response events during the year. Demand response events are used during times of extreme temperatures or similar critical need. Participants that opt-out of these demand response events forego their monthly incentive and may potentially be disenrolled from the program. As long as you remain enrolled, you’ll also earn $5 each month for participating.
Get paid to help us shape the future of EV charging and prepare for increased energy demand as EV adoption grows across the country!